Further reading

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Albrecht, D. and A. Ziderman. Deferred cost recovery for higher education: student loan programmes in developing countries, Discussion Papers 137. Washington DC: The World Bank, 1991.

Albrecht, D. and A. Ziderman. Funding mechanism for higher education: financing for stability, efficiency and responsiveness. Washington DC: The World Bank, 1992.

Agarwal, R.B. Financing of higher education in India. Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1993.

Altbach, Philip G., Selvaratnam and Viswanathan (eds). From dependence to autonomy: the development of Asian universities. Dordrecht: Kluwer- Academic, 1989.

Ansari, M.M. Economics of distance higher education. New Delhi: Concept,1992.

Ansari, M.M. Cost effectiveness of higher education. New Delhi: Concept, 1997.

Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Excellence achieving social relevance in higher education (annual seminar series-2). New Delhi: AIU, 1993.

Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Policies of higher education. New Delhi: AIU, 1995.

Azad, J.L. Higher education in India: the deepening crisis. New Delhi: Radiant, 1988.

Bellew, R. and J. Destefaro. Costs and finance of higher education in Pakistan. Washington DC: The World Bank, 1991.

Burke, J.C. and A.M. Serban (eds). Performance funding for public higher education: fad or trends? San Francisco: Jossey-Boss, 1998.

Carnoy, Martin. Higher education and graduate unemployment in India: a summary of three case studies. IIEP Research Report No 64. Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning, 1987.

Chitnis, S. and P.G. Altbach (eds). Higher education reform in India. New Delhi: Sage, 1993.

Christo, G.G. The privatisation of pricing of professional education with special reference to medical education. New Delhi: Centre for Policy Research, 1996.

Coleman, James. University development in the third world: the Rockefeller Foundation experience. Pergamon: Oxford, 1993.

Datt, R. Costs of distance educational institutes in India with different class sizes. New Delhi: Vikas for NIEPA, 1991.

Garg, V.P. Financing higher education: scope and limits. New Delhi: Radha, 1996.

Ghosh, D.K. Financing education; vol. 1 – finance management and planning in education: lessons from the UK system. New Delhi: Cosmo,1997.

Ghosh, D.K. Financing education; vol. 2 – resource generation in education. New Delhi: Cosmo, 1997.

Harman, G. and M. Salim. Funding for higher education in Asia and the Pacific: strategies to increase cost efficiency and attract additional financial support. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok: Unesco, 1991.

Heggade, O.D. Financing and cost of higher education in India. New Delhi: Mohit, 1998.

Indian National Commission for Cooperation with Unesco. Higher education in India: vision and action. Country paper prepared for the Unesco world conference on higher education in the 21st century. New Delhi, 1998.

International Taskforce on Higher Education. Higher education in developing countries: peril and promise. Washington DC: World Bank, 2000.

Kaul, Rekha. Caste, class and education: politics of the capitation fee phenomenon in Karnataka. New Delhi: Sage, 1993.

Lorey, David E. University system and economic development in Mexico since 1929. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.

Massy, W.F. (ed). Resource allocation in higher education. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996.

Mathew, E.T. Financing higher education: sources and uses of funds of private colleges in Kerala. New Delhi: Concept, 1991.

Mugridge, Ian (ed). Funding the open universities: essays in memory of G. Ram Reddy. New Delhi: Sterling, 1997.

Nanjudappa, D.M. Finance and management of higher education. New Delhi: Deep and Deep, 1994.

Natarajan, V. Financial management techniques for universities. New Delhi: Vikas, 1995.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED). Quality and internationalization in higher education. Paris: OCED, 1999.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED). Financing higher education: current patterns. Paris: OECD, 1990.

Panchamukhi, P.R. Economics of educational finance. Bombay: Himalaya,1989.

Powar, K.B. Unit cost in higher education. AIU occasional paper 96/1. New Delhi: AIU, 1996.

Powar, K.B. (ed). State funding of education. New Delhi: AIU, 1998.

Raza, Moonis (ed). Higher education in India: retrospect and prospect. New Delhi: AIU, 1991.

Reddy, G. Ram. Higher education in India: conformity, crisis and innovation. New Delhi: Sterling, 1994.

Salmi, J. Perspectives on the financing of higher education. Washington DC: The World Bank, 1991.

Salmi, J. Higher education crisis in developing countries. Washnigton DC: The World Bank, 1991.

Sethi, J.D. The crisis of collapse of higher education in India. New Delhi: Vikas, 1983.

Sharma, M.M. Financial management of universities in India. New Delhi: Concept, 1992.

Simpson, W.B. (ed). Managing with scarce resources. San Fracisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993.

Singh, Amrik. The funding of universities. Madhuri R. Shah Memorial Lecture, Madhuri Shah Memorial Trust. Kurukshetra: Kurukshetra University, 1993.

Singh, Rajender Prasad. Educational finance and the planning challenge. New Delhi: Kanishka, 1997.

Tilak, J.B.G. Emerging trends and evolving public policies on privatization of higher education in India, in P.G. Altbach (ed.), Private prometheus: private higher education and development in the 21st century. Boston: Boston College, 1999.

Tilak, J.B.G. Financing technical higher education in India, in S. Misra and P.G.V. Chand (eds.), Institutional building. New Delhi: McGraw Hill: 1999.

Tilak, J.B.G. Changing policies and strategies in higher education in South Asia, in Higher education in transition economies in Asia. Bangkok: Unesco-PROAP: 1998.

Velloso, J. Higher education in Brazil: trends and recent developments in resource allocation policies. Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning, 1994.

Woodhall, M. Student loans in higher education: 2 Asia. Paris: IIEP, 1991.

World Bank. Higher education: lessons from experience. Washington DC: World Bank, 1994.

World Bank. Priorities and strategies for education: a World Bank review. Washington DC: World Bank, 1995.

Ziderman, A. and D. Albrecht. Financing universities in developing countries. London: The Falmer Press, 1995.



AICTE. Report of the high power committee for mobilisation of additional resources for technical education (D. Swaminathan Committee Report). New Delhi: All India Council for Technical Education, 1994.

Supreme Court of India. Judgement on Capitation Colleges (Writ petition No. 607 of 1992) Unni Krishnan, P.P. and Ors etc. vs State of Andhra Pradesh and Ors etc. New Delhi: Supreme Court of India, 1993.

University Grants Commission. UGC funding of institutions of higher education ( Punnayya Committee Report). New Delhi: UGC, 1993.

University Grants Commission. Report on the recommendations of the Punnayya Committee relating to unit cost of higher education: other issues (Pylee Committee Report). New Delhi: UGC, 1997.

University Grants Commission. Mahmood-ur Rahman Committee to formulate revised fees structure in the central and deemed universities. New Delhi: UGC, 2000.



Abdul, Salim A. Cost of higher education in Kerala: a case study. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 7(4): October 1994: 417-430.

Adiseshiah, Malcolm S. Centre-state-university-college partnership in education in India. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 6(1): January 1992: 1-16.

Agarwal, R.B. Financing of higher education in India: role of the UGC. ‘Finance India’ 6(3): 1992: 491-98.

Azad, J.L. Criteria based funding of higher education. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 13(4): October 1999: 443-449.

Altbach, P.G. The dilemma of change in higher education. ‘Higher Education’ 26: 1993: 3-20.

Balachander, K.K. Funding of state universities in India: some crucial issues. ‘Journal of Educational Planning Administration’ 5(3): July 1991: 285-300.

Birdsall, N. Public spending on higher education in developing countries: too much or too little? ‘Economics of Education Review’ 15(4): 1996: 407-20.

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Daniel, C. Levy. Problems of privatisation of higher education. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 7(3): July 1993: 277-92.

Darling, E. et al. Autonomy and control: a university funding formula as an instrument of public policy. ‘Higher Education’ 18(5): 1989: 559-84.

Datt, Ruddar. Finance of higher education: approaches and priorities. ‘Journal of Higher Education’ 18(1): 1996: 63-82.

Fischer, F.K. State financing of higher education: a new look at an old problem. ‘Change’ 22(1): 1990: 42-56.

Gill, T.K. and S.S. Gill. Financial management of universities in developing countries. ‘Higher Education Policy’ 13(2): 2000: 125-130.

Indiresan, P.V. Education for development in the twenty first century. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 10(1): January 1996: 25-34.

Jadeja, Dilavrsinh. Punnayya committee and Sardar Patel university. ‘Journal of Higher Education’ 17(2): 1994: 251-60.

Khadria, Binod. The subsidies question in higher education: tightrope walking for policy makers in developing countries. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 3(1 and 2): January and April 1989: 43-59.

Khan, S.R. Financing higher education in Pakistan. ‘Higher Education’ 21(2): 1991: 207-222.

Mathew, E.T. Financial aspects of privatisation of higher education: issues and options. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 31(14): 1996: 866-69.

McMahon, W. Potential resource recovery in higher education in the developing countries and the parents expected contribution. ‘Economics of Education Reveiw’ 7(1): 1988: 135-52.

Mehta B.C. Financing of higher education. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 7(1) January 1993: 63-74.

Natarajan, V. University funds flow analysis. ‘University News’ 32(30): 1994: 10-15.

Panchamukhi, P.R. University finances in India. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 10(1): January 1996: 15-24.

Panda, G.S. and P.P. Padhi. Cost effectiveness in higher education. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 4(4): October 1990: 71-76.

Patel, I.G. Higher education and economic development. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 6(3): July 1992: 221-36.

Powar, K.B. Higher education in India since independence: retrospect and future options. ‘Journal of Higher Education’ 20(4): 1997.

Rath, Nilkantha. Higher education: plea for reorganization. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 26(10 and 11): 1992: 535-39.

Reddy, G. Ram. The financing of higher education in India. ‘Artha Vijnana’ 36(4): 1994: 307-325.

Shah, K.R. Analysis of the policy of free higher education for women in Gujarat. ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 8(2): April 1994: 199-202.

Shah, K.R. University-industry relations in financing higher education: some issues. ‘Journal of Educational Planing and Administration’ 13(2): April 1999: 165-74.

Shouxin, Li and Bray Mark. Attempting a capitalist form of financing in a socialist system: student loans in the People’s Republic of China. ‘Higher Education’ 23(4): 1992: 375-387.

Singh, Amrik. The Punnayya committee report. ‘Journal Higher Education’ 17(2): 1994: 213-22.

Singh, Gurubachan. Fees and economic background of students: a study of university of Delhi: ‘Journal of Educational Planning and Administration’ 7(4): October 1993: 427-52.

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Tilak, J.B.G. Student loans as the answer to lack of resources in higher education. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 34(1 and 2): 2-15 January 1999.

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Tilak, J.B.G. The dilemma of reforms in financing higher education in India. ‘Higher Education Policy’ 10(1): March 1997: 7-21.

Tilak, J.B.G. Higher education under structural adjustment. ‘Journal of Indian School of Political Economy’ 8(2): April-June 1996: 266-93.

Tilak, J.B.G. International trends in costs and financing of higher education: some tentative comparisons between developed and developing countries. ‘Higher Education Review’ 25(3): Summer 1993: 7-35.

Tilak, J.B.G. Education and structural adjustment. ‘Prospects’ 22(4): 1992: 407-22.

Tilak, J.B.G. and N.V. Varghese. Financing higher education in India. ‘Higher Education’ 21: 1991: 83-101.

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Weifang, M. Higher education finance in China: current constraints and strategies for the 1990s. ‘Higher Education’ 21(2): 1991: 151-161.
