Further reading
Abdual Kalam, A.P.J. and Y.S. Rajan. India 2020: a vision for the new millennium. New Delhi: Viking, 1998.
Agarwal, Manmohan, et al (eds). Indian economy in transition: environmental and developmental issues. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 1998.
Ahluwalia, Isher Judge and I.M.D. Little (eds). India’s economic reforms and development: essays for Manmohan Singh. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Bagchi, Amiya Kumar. Economy and organisation: Indian institutions under the neo-liberal regime. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999.
Bhalla, Surjit S. New economic policies for a new India. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 2000.
Brahmananda, P.R. and V.R. Panchamukhi (eds). Development experience in the Indian economy: inter-state perspectives. New Delhi: Bookwell, 2001.
Byres, Terence J. (ed). The Indian economy: major debates since independence. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Chadha, G.K. WTO and the Indian economy. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications, 2001.
Chadha, Rajesh, et al. The impact of trade and domestic policy reforms in India: a CGE modelling approach. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998.
Chatterjee, Biswajit. Economic liberalisation in India. Ahmedabad: Allied Publishers, 1998.
Datt, Ruddar. Economic reforms in India: an appraisal and policy directions for second generation reforms. New Delhi: Bookwell, 2001.
Debroy, Bibek (ed). Agenda for change: the need for law reforms. New Delhi, Allied Publishers: 1999.
Degnobl-Martinussen, John. Policies, institutions and industrial development: coping with liberalisation and international competition in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001.
Deshpande, G.P. and Alka Acharya (eds). Crossing a bridge of dream: 50 years of India and China. New Delhi: Tulika, 2001.
Economic reforms: a medium term perspective-recommendations of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council. htpp:// primindia.nic.in/al.htm.
Gangopadhyay, Shubhashis and Wilima Wadhwa. Economic reforms for the poor. New Delhi: Konark Publications, 2000.
Hajela, P.D. and M.P. Goswami (eds). Economic reforms and employment. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications, 2000.
Hanson, James A. and Sanjay Kathuria (eds). India: a financial sector for the twenty-first century. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999.
India. Ministry of Finance. Report of the Expenditure Reforms Commission. Report nos. 1-10. htpp://www.finmin.nic.in/freport.htm.
Jayachandran, C., et al (eds). Managing economic liberalisation in South Asia: directions for the 21st century. Delhi: Macmillan India Limited, 1998.
Jenkins, Rob. Democratic politics and economic reforms in India. Cambridge: CUP, 1999.
Joshi, Vijay and I.M.D. Little. India’s economic reforms 1991-2001. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Kahkohan, Satu and Anthony Lanyi (eds). Institutions, incentives and economic reform in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000.
Kapila, Uma (ed). Indian economy since independence, 1947-2001. Ghaziabad: Academic Foundation, 2001.
Krueger, Anne O., et al. Economic and policy reforms. New Delhi: NCAER, 2000.
Kumar, Arun. The black economy in India. New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1999.
Kundu, Amitabh and Alakh N. Sharma (eds). Informal sector in India: perspectives and policies. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 2001.
Lal, Deepak. Unfinished business: India in the world economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Mallick, Sushanta K. Modelling macroeconomic adjustment with growth in developing economies: the case of India. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999.
Mathew, A. Santosh. Economic reforms and poverty reduction. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing, 2000.
McKinsey and Company. India, the growth imperative: understanding the barriers to rapid growth and employment creation. New Delhi: McKinsey and Compay, V. 3., 2001.
Misra, Baidyanath and Rajkishor Meher. Economic liberalisation and regional disparities in India. New Delhi: APH Publishing, 2000.
National Council of Applied Economic Research. Economic and policy reforms in India. New Delhi: NCAER, 2001.
Palande, P.S. Coping with liberalisation: the industry’s response to new competition. New Delhi:Response Books, 2000.
Parikh, Kirit S. (ed). India development report: 1999-2000. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Perdikis, Nicholas (ed). The Indian economy: contemporary issues. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
Rangarajan, C. Indian economy: essays on money and finance. New Delhi: UBS Publishers and Distributors, 1998.
Rao, M.J. Manohar. Macroeconomic stabilisation and adjustment. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Reddy, Y. Venugopal. Monetary and financial sector reforms in India: a central banker’s perspective. New Delhi: UBS Puhblishers and Distributors, 2000.
Sachs, J.D. India in the era of economic reforms. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Sen, Amartya. Development as freedom. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Sen, Kunal and Rajendra P. Vaidya. The process of financial liberalization in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Sen, Rajkumar and Biswajit Chatterjee (eds). Indian economy: agenda for 21st century. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications, 2001.
Sen, Sunanda. Trade and dependence: essays on the Indian economy. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000.
Seeta Prabhu, K. Economic reform and social sector development: a study of two Indian states. New Delhi, Sage Publications, 2001.
Sondhi, M.L. (ed). Towards a new era: economic, social and political reforms. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 2001.
Srinivasan, T.N. Eight lectures on India’s economic reforms. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Suryakumaran, C. When persuasions fail and Cassandra’s reign: policies that should have been adopted by developing countries... but perhaps never will. Delhi: Konark Publishers, 2001.
Swamy, Subramanian. India’s economic performance and reforms: a perspective for the new millennium. New Delhi: Konark Publications, 2000.
Tarapore, S.S. India’s financial policy: adapting to new realities. New Delhi: UBS Publishers and Distributors, 1999.
Tarapore, S.S. Issues in financial sector reforms. New Delhi, UBS Publishers and Distributors, 2000.
Vasudevan, A., et al. (eds). Fifty years of development economics: essays in honour of Professor P.R. Brahmananda. Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House, 1999.
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