Further reading
Althabe, F., P. Buekens, E. Bergel, J.M. Belizan, N. Kropp, L. Wright, et al.
A cluster randomized controlled trial of a behavioral intervention to facilitate the development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Latin American maternity hospitals: the guidelines trial: study protocol [ISRCTN82417627]. ‘BMC Womens Health’: 5(4): 2005.Baqui, A., E.K. Williams, A.M. Rosecrans, P.K. Agrawal, S. Ahmed, G.L. Darmstadt, V. Kumar, U. Kiran, D. Panwar, R.C. Ahuja, V.K. Srivastava, R.E. Black and M. Santosham. Impact of an integrated nutrition and health programme on neonatal mortality in rural northern India. ‘Bull World Health Organ’ 86(10): October 2008: 796-804.
Baqui, A.H., A.M. Rosecrans, E.K. Williams, P.K. Agrawal, S. Ahmed, G.L. Darmstadt, V. Kumar, U. Kiran, D. Panwar, R.C. Ahuja, V.K. Srivastava, R.E. Black and M. Santosham. NGO facilitation of a government community-based maternal and neonatal health programme in rural India: improvements in equity. ‘Health Policy Plan’ 23(4): July 2008: 234-43.
Bhandari, N., A.K. Kabir and M.A. Salam. Mainstreaming nutrition into maternal and child health programmes: scaling up of exclusive breast-feeding. ‘Maternal Child Nutrition’ 4 (Suppl. 1): April 2008: 5-23.
Bhat, R., D.V. Mavalankar, V.P. Singh and N. Singh. Maternal healthcare financing: Gujarat’s Chiranjeevi Scheme and its beneficiaries. ‘Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition’ 27(2): April 2009: 249-58.
Bonu, S., I. Bhushan, M. Rani and I. Anderson. Incidence and correlates of ‘catastrophic’ maternal health care expenditure in India. ‘Health Policy Plan’ 24(6): November 2009: 445-56. (Epub 17 August 2009)
‘Bulletin of the World Health Organization’ 83(6): 6 June 2006: 401-480. (Special Focus on child and maternal health)
Costello, A., K. Azad and S. Barnett. An alternative strategy to reduce maternal mortality. ‘Lancet’ 368: 2006: 1477-9.
Crawford, M.A. The elimination of child poverty and the pivotal significance of the mother. ‘Nutrition Health’ 19(3): 2008: 175-86.
Dalal, K. and S. Dawad. Non-utilization of public health care facilities: examining the reasons through a national study of women in India. ‘Rural Remote Health’ 9(3): July-September 2009: 1178. (Epub 3 September 2009).
Dharmalingam, A., K. Navaneetham and C.S. Krishnakumar. Nutritional status of mothers and low birth weight in India. ‘Maternal and Child Health Journal’: 7 February 2009. (Epub ahead of print)
Ekman, B., I. Pathmanathan and J. Liljestrand. Integrating health interventions for women, newborn babies, and children: a framework for action. ‘Lancet’ 372(9642): 13 September 2008: 990-1000. Erratum in ‘Lancet’ 372(9649): 1 November 2008: 1544.
Gelbart, N. The king’s midwife: a history and mystery of Madame du Coudray. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1998.
Graham, W.J., J.S. Bell and C.H.W. Bullough. Can skilled attendance at delivery reduce maternal mortality in developing countries? In V.V.L. De Brouwere and W. Van Lerberghe (eds.), Safe motherhood strategies: a review of the evidence. Antwerp: ITG Press, 2001, pp. 97-130.
Hill, K., K. Thomas, C. AbouZahr, N. Walker, L. Say, M. Inoue, et al. Estimates of maternal mortality worldwide between 1990 and 2005: an assessment of available data. ‘Lancet’ 370: 2007: 1311-9.
Johnson, K.C. and B.A. Daviss. Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: a large prospective study in North America. ‘BMJ’ 330: 2005: 1416.
Kumar, R., M. Kaur and P. Jha. Universalizing access to primary health care in India. ‘Indian Journal of Public Health’ 53(1): January-March 2009: 22-27.
Lahariya, C. and J. Khandekar. How the findings of national family health survey-3 can act as a trigger for improving the status of anemic mothers and undernourished children in India: a review. ‘Indian Journal of Medical Science’ 61(9): September 2007: 535-44.
Mistry, R., O. Galal and M. Lu. Women’s autonomy and pregnancy care in rural India: a contextual analysis. ‘Social Science Medicine’ 69(6): September 2009: 926-33. (Epub 3 August 2009)
Mohanty, S.K. and P.K. Pathak. Rich-poor gap in utilization of reproductive and child health services in India, 1992-2005. ‘Journal of Biosocial Science’ 41(3): May 2009: 381-98. (Epub 10 October 2008)
Pachauri, S. Preventing maternal mortality: right to safe pregnancy. ‘National Medical Journal of India’: 16 (Suppl 2): 2003: 24-7.
Paul, V.K. The current state of newborn health in low income countries and the way forward. ‘Seminar on Feotal and Neonatal Medicine’ 11(1): February 2006: 7-14. (Epub 22 December 2005)
Ramani, K.V., Dileep Mavalankar and Dipti Govil (eds.), Strategic issues and challenges in health management. India: Sage, 2008.
Rao, M. Tackling health inequalities in India. ‘Perspectives in Public Health’ 129(5): September 2009: 205-6.
Saikia, N. and A. Singh. Does type of household affect maternal health? Evidence from India. ‘Journal of Biosocial Science’ 41(3): May 2009: 329-53. (Epub 27 November 2008)
Sibley, L.M. and T.A. Sipe. Transition to skilled birth attendance: is there a future role for trained traditional birth attendants? ‘Journal of Health Population Nutrition’ 24: 2006: 472-8.
Thind, A., A. Mohani, K. Banerjee and F. Hagigi. Where to deliver? Analysis of choice of delivery location from a national survey in India. ‘BMC Public Health’ 24: January 2008: 8-29.
UN Statistics Division. Statistical. Annex: Millennium Development Goals, Targets and Indicators, 2007. (2008) Available from: http://millennium indicators.un.org/unsd/mdg/Default.aspx [accessed on 1 March 2008].
Vashishtha, V.M. The state of the world’s children 2009: maternal health is the key to achieve MDGs 4 and 5. ‘Indian Pediatrician’ 46(3): March 2009: 233-4.
Victora C.G., L. Adair, C. Fall, P.C. Hallal, R. Martorell, L. Richter and H.S. Sachdev. Maternal and child undernutrition: consequences for adult health and human capital. ‘Lancet’ 371(9609): 26 January 2008: 340-57. Erratum in ‘Lancet’ 371(9609): 26 January 2008: 302.
WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, World Bank. Managing complications in pregnancy and childbirth: a guide for midwives and doctors. Geneva, 2000.
Willis, J.R., V. Kumar, S. Mohanty, P. Singh, V. Singh, A.H. Baqui, S. Awasthi, J.V. Singh, M. Santosham and G.L. Darmstadt. Gender differences in perception and care-seeking for illness of newborns in rural Uttar Pradesh, India. ‘Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition’ 27(1): February 2009: 62-71.
Abortion, ‘Seminar’ 532, December 2003; Beyond Numbers, ‘Seminar’ 511, March 2002; Reproductive Health, ‘Seminar’ 447, November 1996; The Politics of Health, ‘Seminar’ 428, April 1995; Population Planning, ‘Seminar’ 410, October 1993; Health for All, ‘Seminar’ 369, May 1990.