Further reading

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South Asia Water Security

Aiyaz, Rumi. Water for Indian cities: government practices and policy concerns. ‘Issue Brief’ 25: September 2011. Available at http://www.orfonline.org/cms/export/orfonline/modules/issuebrief/attachments/Issue_brief_25_1284629003854.pdf

Ali, Saleem H. Water politics in South Asia: technocratic cooperation and lasting security in the Indus basin and beyond. ‘Journal of International Affairs’ 61(2): Spring/Summer 2008: 167-182.

Allan, J. A. Virtual Water: part of an invisible synergy that ameliorates water scarcity, in L. Martinez-Cortina, Peter P. Rogers and M. Ramon Llamas (eds).Water crisis: myth or reality. Taylor & Francis, 2006.

Allan, J. A. Virtual Water: the water, food, and trade nexus: useful concept or misleading metaphor? ‘Water International’ 28(1): 2003: 4-11.

Biswas, Asit. Indus water treaty: the negotiating pro-cess. ‘Water International’ 17(4): 1992.

Briscoe, J. India’s water economy: bracing for a turbulent future. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2005.

Brown, Lester R. Outgrowing the earth: the food security challenge in an age of falling water tables and rising temperatures. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2005.

Chellenay, Brahma. Water: Asia’s new battleground. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2011.

Climate change, Food and Water Security in South Asia: critical issues and cooperative strategies in an age of increased risk and uncertainty. 2011. Available at http://www.gwp.org/Global/About%20GWP/Publications/Colombo%20Synthesis%20Report%20Climate%20Change%20Food%20and%20Water%20Security%20in%20South% 20Asia,%20final.pdf

Grail Research. Water: the India story. Grail research report. Noida, India.

IDSA Task Force. Water Security for India: The External Dynamics. A Report. New Delhi: 2010. Available at http://www.idsa.in/sites/default/files/book_WaterSecurity.pdf

Iyer, Ramaswamy R. India’s water relations with her neighbours. USI National Security Series 2007. K.W. Publishers, 2008.

Iyer, Ramaswamy R. The politicization of water. www.info changeindia.org/age, Accessed on February 21, 2006. http://www.grailresearch.com/pdf/ContenPodsPdf/Water-The_India_Story.pdf

Iyer, Ramaswamy R. Rivers of discord. ‘The Times of India’, 6 November 2002.

John, Wilson. Water security in South Asia: issues and policy recommendations. ‘Issue Brief’ 26: February 2011. Available at http://www.orfonline.org/cms/export/orfonline/modules/issuebrief/attachments/water_1297246681981.pdf

Joy, K. J., Biksham Gujja, Suhas Paranjape, Vinod Goud and Shruti Vispute (eds). Water conflicts in India: a million revolts in the making. Delhi: Routledge, 2007.

Mandel, Robert. Sources of international river basin disputes. ‘Conflict Quarterly’: Fall 1992: 25-56.

Mckinsey Consulting. Charting our water future. A Report. November 2009. http://www.mckinsey.com/App_Media/Reports/Water/Charting_Our_Water_ Future_Exec%20Summary_ 001.pdf

Mukherji, A. Groundwater markets in the Ganga Brahmaputra Meghna basin: theory and evidence. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 39(31): 3514-20.

National Advisory Council. Drinking water security in rural India. A concept paper. New Delhi: Government of India, 2008.

Rogers, P. et al. (eds.) Water crisis: myth or reality? London: Taylor and Francis Group.

Rotberg, Fiona and Ashok Swain. Natural resources security in South Asia: Nepal’s water. Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2007. www. silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/Silkroadpapers/2007/0710Nepal.pdf

Sahni, Hamir K. The politics of water in South Asia: the case of the Indus waters treaty. ‘SAIS Review’ 26(2): Summer-Fall 2006: 153-165. http://www. bupedu.com/lms/admin/uploded_article/eA. 264.pdf

Shah, T., O.P. Singh and A. Mukherji. Some aspects of South Asia’s groundwater economy: analyses of a survey in India, Pakistan, Nepal Terai and Bangladesh. ‘Hydrogeology Journal’ 14: 2006: 286-304.

Stimson Centre. India’s water relations with her neighbours. Washington DC: 27 October 2008. http://www.stimson.org/rv/pdf/Ramaswamy_Iyer_Presentation.pdf

Strategic Foresight Group. The Himalayan challenge: water security in South Asia. Mumbai: SFG, 2011.

Thapliyal, Sangeeta. Water security or security of water? a conceptual analysis. ‘India Quarterly’ 67(1): March 2011: 19-35.

Tripathi, Jayant K., Barbara Bock, V. Rajamani and A. Eisenhauer. Is river Ghaggar, Saraswati? Geochemical constraints. ‘Current Science’ 87(8): 25 October 2004:1141-1145.

Understanding water conflicts in South Asia. Available at http://www.saciwaters.org/CB/water%20 and% 20equity/water%20and%20equity/IV.%20 Readings/4.%20Conceptual-ormative/4.2.%20 understanding%20water%20conflicts.pdf

United Nations. Beyond scarcity: power, poverty and the global water crisis. Human Development Report. New York: UNDP, 2006.

Verghese, B.G. Water conflicts in South Asia. ‘Studies in Conflict and Terrorism’ 20: 1997:185-194. http://werzit.com/intel/classes/amu/classes/lc514/LC514_Week_14_Water_Conflicts_in_South_Asia.pdf

Verghese, B.G. Water Issues in South Asia. ORF Discourse: May 2011. Available at http://www. orfonline.org/cms/export/orfonline/modules/orfdiscourse/attachments/odv_8_130526 2176430.PDF

Warikoo, K. Indus water treat: view from Kashmir. ‘Himalayan and Central Asian Studies’ 9(3): July-September 2005: 18-23.

WASSA Project Report. Water and security in South Asia: water sharing conflicts within countries and possible solutions (Vol 2): 2003. Available at http://www.gee-21.org/publications/Water-Sharing-Conflicts-within-Countries-and-Possible-Solutions.pdf

Wolf, A. T. Conflict and cooperation along international waterways. ‘Water Policy’ 1: 1998: 251-265.

World Bank, India’s water economy: bracing for a turbulent future. A report. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2005.

Zawahri, N. A. Internationl rivers and national security: the Euphrates, Ganges-Brahmaputra, Indus, Tigris, and Yarmouk Rivers. ‘Natural Resources Forum’ 32: 2008: 280-289.


Water Privatization

Abernethy, C. Financing river basin organizations, in M. Svendsen (ed). Irrigation and river basin management: options for governance and institutions. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, IWMI, 2005.

Amarasinghe, U. A., T. Shah and O. Singh. Changing consumption patterns: implications for food and water demand in India. IWMI Research Report 119. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute, 2007.

Barker, R. and F. Molle. Evolution of irrigation in South and Southeast Asia. Comprehensive assessment of water management in agriculture research report 5. Colombo: International Water Management Institute, 2004.

Barrows, C.J. River basin development planning and management: a critical review. ‘World Development’ 26(1): 1998: 171-86.

Biswas, A.K., O. Varis, and C. Tortajada. Integrated water resources management in South and Southeast Asia. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Briscoe, J. The financing of hydropower, irrigation and water supply infrastructure in developing countries. ‘Water Resources Development’ 15(4): 1999: 459-91.

Budds, Jessica and Gordon McGranahan. Are the debates on water privatization missing the point? Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ‘Environment & Urbanization 15(2): October 2003. http://www.environmentandurbanization.org/documents/budds_mcgranahan.pdf

Budds, Jessica. Are the debates on water privatization missing the point? Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ‘Environment and Urbanization’ 15(2): October 2003: 87-114.

Haie, N. and A.A. Keller. Effective efficiency as a tool for sustainable water resources management. ‘Journal of the American Water Resources Association’ 10: 2008:1752-1788.

Joshi, Gopal. Overview of privatization in South Asia; available at http://www2.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/paper/privatize/chap1.pdf

Kijne, J.W., D. Molden and R. Barker (eds.). Water productivity in agriculture: limits and opportunities for improvement. Comprehensive assessment of water management in agriculture series no. 1. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, 2003.

Kumar, M.D. Impact of electricity prices and volumetric allocation on energy and groundwater demand management: analysis from western India. ‘Energy Policy’ 33: 39-51: 2005.

Molle, F. and J. Berkoff. Irrigation Water pricing: the gap between theory and practice. Comprehensive assessment of water management in agriculture series, no. 4. Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI Publishing, 2007.

Molle, F. and J. Berkoff. Cities versus agriculture: revisiting inter-sectoral water transfers, potential gains, and conflicts. Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Research Report 10. Colombo: International Water Management Institute, 2006.

Perry, C.J., Michael Rock and D. Seckler. Water as an economic good: a solution or a problem? IWMI Research Report 14. Colombo: International Water Management Institute, 1997.

Shiva, Vandana. Resisting water privatization, building water democracy. 2006. Available at http://www.globalternative.org/downloads/shiva-water.pdf

Wegerich, K. Groundwater institutions and management problems in the developing world, In Tellam (ed). Urban groundwater management and sustainability. Holland: Springer, 2006, pp. 447-458.

Westerhoff, G.P. The use and management of service contracts: participation in the private sector. International Report. London: International Water Association, 2000.



Bakshi, Gitanjali and Sahiba Trivedi. The Indus equation. Strategic Foresight Group, 2011. www. strategicforesight.com/110617.pdf

Brichieri-Colombi, J.S. Hydrocentricity: a limited approach to achieving food and water security. ‘Water International’ 29(3): 2004: 318-328.

Islam, Yeadul. Hydropolitics: a techno-political tangle in South Asia. Available at http://www. dscsc.mil.bd/upload/mirpur_papers/3/Yeadul% 2520Islam.pdf

Jones, Garth N. Hydropolitics in the 3rd World: Conflict and Cooperation in International River Basins. ‘Journal of Third World Studies’: Spring 2003.

Lele, Ajey, Namrata Goswami and Rumel Dahiya. Asia 2030: the unfolding future. New Delhi: Lancer, 2010.

Michel, David and Amit Pandya. Troubled waters: climate change, hydropolitics and transboundary resources. Washington, DC: The Henry L. Stimson Center, 2009. http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Troubled_Waters-Complete.pdf

Mustaffa, Daanesh. Social construction of hydro-politics: the geographical scales of water and security in the Indus Basin. ‘The Geographical Review’ 97(4): October 2007: 484-501. http://www. amergeog.org/gr/oct07/mustafa.pdf

Salman, M. A. and Kishore Uprety. Conflict and cooperation on South Asia’s international rivers: a legal perspective. Washington, DC: A World Bank Publication, 2002.

Salman, M. A. and Kishore Uprety. Hydro-politics in South Asia: a compara-tive analysis of the Mahakali and the Ganges treaties. Available at lawlibrary.unm.edu/nrj/39/2/05_ salman_ ganges.pdf

Siddiqui, Iqtidar H. Hydro politics and water wars in South Asia. New Delhi: Lancer, 2011.

Wirsing, Robert G. Hydro-politics in South Asia: the domestic roots of interstate river rivalry. ‘Asian Affairs’ 34(1): 2007.


Flooding in Pakistan

Government of Pakistan, Economic Affairs Division. Countrywise update of Foreign Assistance for Flood Affectees (17 September 2010). http://www.infopak.gov.pk/Flood%20Relief%20Fund/17_9_2010ForeignAssistance_a. pdf.

Gronewold, Nathanial and Climatewire. Is the flooding in Pakistan a climate change Disaster? ‘Scientific American’: 18 August 2010. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=is-the-flooding-in-pakist

Haq, Noor-ul. Pakistan floods 2010. Available at http://www.ipripak.org/factfiles/ff126.pdf

Kronstadt, K. Alan, et al. Flooding in Pakistan: overview and issues for congress. 18 November 2010. Available at http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41424.pdf

Singapore Red Cross (September 15, 2010). Pakistan floods: the deluge of disaster – facts and figures as of 15 September 2010". http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900SID/LSGZ-89GD7W?OpenDocument.

The World Bank. Response to Pakistan’s floods: evaluative lessons and opportunity. The World Bank, 2010. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTDIR GEN/Resources/ieg_pakistan_note.pdf


Transboundary Water Sharing

Barham, E. Ecological boundaries as community boundaries: the politics of watersheds. ‘Society and Natural Resources’ 14(3): 2001: 181-91.

Karthykeyan, Deepa. Conflicts and cooperation on transboundary waters in South Asia. 2011. Available at http://athenainfonomics.in/wp-ontent/uploads/2011/08/Conflictandcooperation.pdf

Mohan, Shantha, Salien Routray and N. Shahikumar (eds). River water sharing: transboundary conflict and cooperation in India. New Delhi: Routledge, 2010.

Sneddon, Chris and Coleen Fox. Rethinking transboundary waters: a critical hydropolitics of the Mekong basin. ‘Political Geography’ 25: 2006: 181-202. http://perso.univ-lemans.fr/~ffortu/Develop pement_environnement_et_agriculture/Asie/%5Bcoleen%20Sneddon%5D%20transboundary %20waters%20a%20critical%20hydropolitics% 20of%20the%20mekong%20basin.pdf

Wolf, Aaron T. and Joshua T. Newton. Case study of transboundary dispute resolution: the Indus water treaty. Available at http://www.transboundary waters.orst.edu/research/case_studies/Documents/indus.pdf


Water Law

Babcockt, Hope M. Reserved Indian water rights in riparian jurisdiction: water, water everywhere, perhaps some drops for us. Available at http://scholar ship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1502&context=facpub

Chauhan, B.R. Settlement of international and interstate waters dispute in India. Delhi: Indian Law Institute, 1992.

Chauhan, B.R. Settlement of international water law disputes in international drainage basins, 1981.

Cullet, Philippe and Sujith Koonan. Water law in India: an introduction to legal instruments. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Gulhati, N.D. Development of interstate rivers: law and practice in India, 1972.

Iyer, Ramaswamy R. Water and the laws in India. New Delhi: Sage, 2009.

Singh, Chattrapati (ed.). Water laws in India (containing a collection of papers by various authors on water rights in India. Delhi: Indian Law Institute, 1992.

Sitarama Rao, V. Law relating to water rights. A.I.R. Manual 31 (5th ed.): 1996.

Water law and the commons: proceedings of a workshop, 2009. Available at http://www.ielrc.org/activities/workshop_0612/content/d0623.pdf


Urban Water Challenges

Baker, Lawrence A., Peter Shanahan and Jim Holway. Principles for managing the urban water environment in the 21st century. Chapter 14. Available at http://www.jlakes.org/book/WATER-ENV-CITY/fulltext(26).pdf

Challenges of integration in urban water management: a mid-term assessment in Alexandria, Egypt, 2008. http://www.switchurbanwater.eu/outputs/pdfs/W6-0_CALE_REP_Challenges_of% 20integra tion_ in_UWM.pdf

Khatri, K.B. Challenges for urban water supply and sanitation in the developing countries. UNESCO IHE Institute for Water Education. www.unesco-ihe.org/.../file/9.paper%20urbanisation% 20kala%20draft.pdf

Mays, Larry (ed). Integrated urban water management: arid and semi-arid regions. UNESCO-IPH, CRC Press, 2009.

McKenzie, David and Isha Ray. Urban water supply in India: status, reform option and possible lessons. http://erg.berkeley.edu/publications/Isha %20Ray/McKenzieRay-India-urbanwater-forWP.pdf

Rygaard, Martin et al. Increasing urban water self-sufficiency: new era, new challenges. ‘Journal of Environmental Management’ 92: 2011: 185-194. http://www.kysq.org/docs/Rygaard%20et% 20al..pdf

Shah, T. Groundwater and human development: challenges and opportunities in Livelihoods and Environment. ‘Water Science and Technology’ 8: 2005: 27-37.

The World Bank. Urban water supply and sanitation. South Asia rural development series. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications, 2000.

Uitto, Juha I. and Asit K. Biswas (ed). Water for urban areas: challenges and perspectives. Water resources management and policy series, 2008.

Vaidyanathan, A. Depletion of groundwater: some issues. ‘Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics’ 51(1-2): January-June1996.
